Introduction to C Programming
- Installing a C compiler and setting up the environment
- C syntax and structure
- Compiling and running C programs
Data Types and Variables
- Integers, floating-point numbers, characters
- Arrays, structures, pointers
- Variable declaration and naming conventions
Basic Operators
- Arithmetic operators
- Comparison operators
- Logical operators
- Assignment operators
Control Structures
- Conditional statements (if, else if, else)
- Loops (for, while, do-while)
- Break and continue statements
- Defining and calling functions
- Function parameters and return values
- Recursive functions
- Scope and lifetime of variables
Arrays and Pointers
- Array initialization and usage
- Pointer arithmetic and dynamic memory allocation
- Multi-dimensional arrays
File Handling
- Reading from and writing to files
- Working with text files
- Error handling with file operations
Error Handling
- Error handling with return codes
- Using try-catch blocks (if applicable in C)
- Assert statements for debugging
Structures and Unions
- Defining structures and unions
- Accessing structure members
- Applications of structures and unions
Dynamic Memory Allocation
- malloc, calloc, realloc, and free functions
- Memory management strategies
- Handling memory leaks and fragmentation
Preprocessor Directives
- Understanding and using #define, #include, and #ifdef
- Conditional compilation
- Macro functions and constants
Concurrency and Parallelism
- Using threads for concurrent programming
- Synchronization mechanisms (mutex, semaphore)
- Basic concepts of parallel programming